Chiropractors Kelowna
Active Care Health

Active Care Health shares in your passion for living an active lifestyle and our team is dedicated to helping you move towards optimal health and sustainable wellness. Call today to experience the best Chiropractors, Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, Laser Therapy, Registered Kinesiologist and other sports training services.

Dr Michael Muzzin, Chiropractor

Dr. Muzzin, DC, RCCSS(C), Partner & Founder

Doctor Of Chiropractic

Dr. Michael Muzzin is a doctor of chiropractic, sport injury specialist and expert in rehabilitation management and functional capacity evaluations. In 2010, Dr Muzzin became one of the first Chiropractors in history to be an official member of the medical staff in the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, BC. In 2016, Dr Muzzin opened the Active Care Health Center, a multi-disciplinary health & wellness services clinic in the heart of downtown Kelowna British Columbia.

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Dr Ryan Blouin, Chiropractor

Dr. Blouin, DC, Partner

Doctor Of Chiropractic

Dr. Ryan Blouin’s passion for the chiropractic profession began at a very young age when he had first hand experience of the effects that chiropractic care can have on the whole body. Dr. Ryan Blouin completed his honors degree in Science and Kinesiology from Waterloo University and spent four years working in the fitness industry where Dr. Blouin helped many people lead more active lives.

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Active Care Health Centre

  • Address

    Address Information 1324 St. Paul Street, Kelowna BC V1Y 2E1

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    Phone250 861 6151

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